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See what to expect when the TECNO Spark 3 launches in Nigeria

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    In 2017, leading Mobile phones manufacturer, TECNO released the first of the Spark series into the Nigerian market.

    The device recorded massive success due to its high-end features and affordability. Previously, budget devices were nothing to write home about in terms of functional specifications.

    However, the TECNO Spark was a game changer as it boasts sophisticated features such as Fingerprint scanner, amazing design and a super clear 13MP camera.

    A New Spark is Coming!

    Watch how to participate in another Light Up Your Dream Competition

    Bolatito – #LightUpYourDream 2017 Winner

    Believe in your dreams, someday it will come to pass. Bolatito won 1 Million Naira in the maiden edition of #LightUpYourDream competition and that changed her story.This year, it's going to be bigger and better. Get ready for #LightUpYourDream3. Lots of cash prizes and gifts to be won. Stay tuned. #TimeToLightUp

    Posted by TECNO Mobile on Saturday, March 30, 2019

    Since the launch of the Spark series, it has become an annual tradition for TECNO to also launch the “Light up Your Dream campaign”, which is an initiative aimed at supporting young Nigerians with dreams but are hampered with finances to take it further.

    The past two editions have made 8 Nigerians millionaire and since we are expecting the arrival of a new Spark device, the Light up your Dream competition is no doubt something everyone is looking up to.

    A new spark is scheduled to be launched this month and it seems to have better things in stock.

    According to the leaks we are able to get, the new Spark is going to come with a notch screen, to continue the trend started on the Camon series late last year. And it is also said to carry a similar body design as the Camon. This should appeal to fans who love the Camon series but can’t afford it.

    From the information we are privy to, the Spark 3 is expected to feature a bigger memory than that of the previous editions. Probably a 32GB variant with a 2GB/3GB Random Access Memory. The OS is also said to be the latest version of HiOS 4 and Android 9.0 Pie

    This is one area that will be greatly improved upon. The new Spark is said to have a dual-cameras variant and a very bright selfie shooter powered by AI just like that of the Camon 11.

    This is something all selfie lovers should look forward to

    This year’s Spark is looking like it would sweep us off our feet. TECNO has really upped their game, we can’t wait to see the next Spark smartphone. What are your expectations for the upcoming TECNO Spark?


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    Author: Thomas Lewis

    Last Updated: 1704046803

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    Name: Thomas Lewis

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    Introduction: My name is Thomas Lewis, I am a artistic, skilled, unswerving, capable, transparent, exquisite, honest person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.