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Updated: Nigeria demands talks and a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict

The Nigerian government has called for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas amid an ongoing war that has left over 300 people dead.

Nigeria’s foreign affairs minister, Yusuf Tuggar, in a Saturday night statement said the Nigerian government is “deeply concerned about the outbreak of hostilities between Israel and Hamas.”

Nigeria called for a “ceasefire” and a “peaceful resolution of the conflict through dialogue.”

PREMIUM TIMES reported how a surprise attack by Hamas on Israeli communities Saturday morning led to an all out war between both parties.

Analysts described it as the biggest attack Hamas launched on Israel in years with many killed and hostages taken. The attack included gunmen entering Israeli towns after a barrage of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip.

Israel said Hamas has declared war and in response it mobilised its army and its air force launched strikes on Gaza with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promising harsh retaliation.

But, the Nigerian government has urged “both sides to exercise restraint and prioritise the safety of civilians.”

More than 200 Palestinians have been killed and the number of injured people has exceeded 1,000 after the Israeli Air Force launched strikes on the Gaza Strip.

Over 100 Israelis are also reported to have been killed and more than 750 others injured during the attacks. Dozens of Israelis have also been abducted by Hamas militants.

Mr Tuggar, Nigeria’s foreign affairs minister, said both sides need to “give room for humanitarian considerations.”

While many world leaders have continued to take sides in the conflict, Abuja called for a peaceful resolution through dialogue.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said he was “closely monitoring” the situation in Israel and that Washington’s “commitment to Israel’s right to defend itself remains unwavering.”

He added, “Over the coming days the Department of Defense will work to ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself and protect civilians from indiscriminate violence and terrorism.”

Arab League chief Ahmed Gheit urged “an immediate halt to military operations in Gaza” and “the cycle of armed confrontation between the two sides”.

“Israel’s continued implementation of violent and extremist policies is a time bomb depriving the region of any serious opportunity for stability in the foreseeable future,” Mr Gheit was quoted as saying by Al Jazeera.

“I unequivocally condemn the attack carried out by Hamas terrorists against Israel… Israel has the right to defend itself against such heinous attacks,” European Commission President Ursula Leyen posted on X (formerly Twitter).

Saudi Arabia’s foreign affairs ministry said in a statement they “closely following developments in the unprecedented situation” adding, “We recall our repeated warnings of the dangers of the situation exploding as a result of the continued occupation.” Saudi Arabia also called on the international community to activate a credible peace process that would lead to a two-state solution.

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READ ALSO: In wake of fragile Israel-Hamas ceasefire, eyes turn to reconstruction efforts

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The war between Israel and Palestine dates back to the end of the nineteenth century. The latest comes as tensions heightened after Israel closed its borders to Gazan workers. Israel has also continued to occupy Palestinian territory in violation of international laws and continues to expand Israeli settlements in the occupied territories.

Hamas maintained that the “people had to draw a line to end the occupation” and added that Israel continued to commit crimes across Palestinian land, especially on the holy site of Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem.

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